Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Every woman and every child is a part and parcel of god almighty Srimati Rhadarani Krsna Mother Earth IMAAN. Our mother earth is a living entity, and she has an immortal soul, and she is also a person with a transcendental body! God Almighty can take any form she wants to take, she can take the form of an entire universe, and she can also take the form of all the water, all the air, all the fire, space, time, sound, she can take the form of everything, she can speak as clearly as you and I speak,  she can speak any language, She is godal Mighty, Srimati Rhadaranin Krsna Mother Earth IMAAN adores all her children, she is pure divine love, she is not contaminated by sexual deviation or any form of lust,  she is the purest love that creates and sustains All That Is! doubting this fact of life leads to spiritual suicide, hurting her daughters leads to more painful futures and complete failure, absolute ruin to any nation that continues to program men to bully women, to slander women, to rape women, to exploit women, to force women to become pregnant, to steal from women, and to leave women completely unprotected at the mercy of mentally ill men armed with deadly that have been trained to slander women, to beat up women,  rape women, and gang rape women, with their male friends in order to destabilize women and to subdue women , and to force women  and children to continue to serve men sexually  instead of serving god almighty  ! OM TAT SAT

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