Wednesday, September 11, 2024

tapta-kanchana-gaurangi radhe vrndavanesvari 
vrsabhanu-sute devi pranamami hari-priye

tapta-kanchana-gaurangi radhe vrndavanesvari 
vrsabhanu-sute devi pranamami hari-priye

tapta-kanchana-gaurangi radhe vrndavanesvari 
vrsabhanu-sute devi pranamami hari-priye

tapta-kanchana-gaurangi radhe vrndavanesvari 
vrsabhanu-sute devi pranamami hari-priye

tapta-kanchana-gaurangi radhe vrndavanesvari 
vrsabhanu-sute devi pranamami hari-priye

tapta-kanchana-gaurangi radhe vrndavanesvari 
vrsabhanu-sute devi pranamami hari-priye

tapta-kanchana-gaurangi radhe vrndavanesvari 
vrsabhanu-sute devi pranamami hari-priye

" The Lord is Srimati Rhadarani Krsna mother earth IMAAN!"

 It is a great crime for any man to attack one of the Lord's surrendered female servants and to slander them as cheap sacred hookers that are bipolar and Schizophrenic and that their temples are WHOTELS Whore houses and that the Lord's surrendered devotees have sex with devils and demons! The men that created this damaging lies have been identified as  military intelligence males who are in fact closeted homosexual males who don't like women at all, and this is obvious, ignorant male bullies that figured out a very 'smart' way to force women to support them. Gang up on women with the rest of the men with the use of slander and deadly weapons,  hold down the women and rape them, or tied them up and rape them in front of their children, rape their children in front of their parents, traumatize them, torture their bodies in front of the whole world,  kill them very slowly, or kill them fast or simply make them pregnant and force them to have children, or force them to execute the fetus, and have the government pay for the execution.

Currently, the military intelligence males now composed of very greedy, cruel, perverted, and vengeful manipulative envious black men who are passionate about bullying, along with Asian men who have zero respect for women and brutalized women during their horrific war games, and the Caucasian men that literally have continue to train all the men on how to slander, defame, rape women, and to make trillions out of the exploitation of women, how to put them in film through the pornographic industry and the sexually explicit entertainment industry, and the Latino men and other races of men now have an easier way to bully and to continue to exploit women without restrictions,  this very greedy, selfish, dishonorable, sexually perverse men have access to surveillance information gathered from every woman in every country,  medical information, bank account information, family history, these men can very easily find out  anyone's where abouts and these men can very easily track anyone through their phones, via GPS or the security systems in the new cars, as well as in home security cameras. These men gather information about both men and women  and based on this information they create "make up"  physiological profile and know what people's weakness are, and this military intelligence men inflict psychological attacks and random acts of violence on anyone they want to bully and intimidate. These men have NO Problem getting women hurt as long they are paid their high salaries, or they are given Visas, or residency, or jobs,  as long they get their government benefits, or avoid being taxed.

Most of this multi racial bullies have their kundalini energy activated in their body and they experience the same phenomenon that women experience when women have their kundalini energy active in their bodies,  and yet  they choose to slander women, and to dimmish women , and even worse yet, they support very strongly for men to  continue to discourage women from following a religious life and rather encourage men to  rape religious women, and they continue to force women to have illicit sex and these military intelligence males are dead set on  supporting drug abuse and alcohol abuse as well as sexual experimentation both in the physical plane and in the spiritual plane. It is a fact that all Physical Technology and Spiritual Technology was given to humanity by god, and that certain men have consciously made a choice to distort all spiritually technology from every culture to use  physical technology and spiritual technology against all women and children instead of using this technology to assist the evolution of humanity from it's current state fallen conditioned souls destined to be imprisoned in the cycle of reincarnation moving from one body to the next body and these greedy selfish military intelligence males are literally ruining everyone's life in the worst way possible. These greedy ignorant closeted homosexual males are  responsible  for the millions of women and children that are currently suffering in every country that they have impoverished both spiritually and physically and they could care less if a little girl gets gang raped or if a woman gets gang raped, or if there are millions of children exposed to all forms of cruelty and violence, because these closeted homosexual males  enjoy inflicting pain on other living entities that live on this planet earth they root their sadistic attacks on women and  children and lower animals, even when they have the knowledge and the evidence that the law cause and effect is as real as their bank accounts and their computers, this very sobering and shocking realization is very  alarming because these men are the people who are suppose to take care of humanity, lower animals, and the earth. It has been concluded that these greedy, selfish , manipulative and perverse closeted homosexual men are suffering from a severe mental illness, and they can no longer blame their choices on "Satan" or " The Devil" or "Demonic possession" or the "Fallen Angels"! "All Divinity God Almighty!" has witness that certain members of the working class population and some members of the working class military personnel have presented solutions for any problem, and these people have repeatedly told the males that create these conflicts in every country to stop creating this conflicts and to stop harming living entities  and  to solve any kind "need or concerns"  with the use of dialogue peacefully and harmoniously and to create a win win for everyone, without hurting anyone or anything,  and these greedy and selfish  males have ignored us, and continue to steal the funds that are given to help those in need  in their countries and to create more disunity and chaos that is rooted with the brutal systematic rape of women and little girls.  The human males species that are suppose to protect and take care of women and children are in fact women's attackers. These men all work together under the umbrella of 'National security'  and they aim to continue to achieve the same goal, experiment with life, play with life,  slander women, steal from women,  get them beat up, get them rape, get them killed or destabilize  women financially, take away their home, their food, their water, or get them pregnant, or get them sick. 

Let me very clear, attacking religious women is a severe crime judge by "All divinity God Almigthy"  as guru aparadha, the Lord's surrendered female devotees are not mentally ill hookers, who have sex with demons "witches" or sacred  prostitutes nor punching bags. On this Religious Holy Day of "Rhadastami" let these words assured all the female devotees that this cruel attacks of slander and violence will no longer be tolerated by God Almighty and that plagues, and catastrophic events will continue to fall on all the nations and on all participants that support these cowardly and damaging attacks against women and children who are naturally inclined to serve god and to have pure love for god.   And, that although, these ignorant sadistic greedy people think is funny to get women hurt, and to watch them suffer and  to continue to teach all the men to hurt women,  the law of cause and effect is severe,  and that this women beating vile male species will not be laughing for long,  and they will not be able to laugh ever again,  and this should give you an understanding that god almighty makes very bad mistakes, just like you and I. God Almighty Srimati Rhadarani Krsna Santa  Madre Tierra IMAAN out of her causeless mercy  made the mistake to designate 'some souls' to occupy male bodies and gave them great fortune and transcendental abilities, and in turn this greedy, perverse men have become envious of god almighty, and have chosen to hurt her adored daughters and her children, god makes mistakes! and although this very sad and very disappointing acknowledgement may make you feel powerless, you will be lifted and delivered from the fallen state of  a conditioned soul into an immortal soul very soon, and you will never ever have to suffer again,  surrender to the god of your understanding,  and,  if there is something or someone for you to be afraid of no matter how scarry and painful it looks and feels, be afraid of the Lord,  Srimati Rhadarani Krsna Santa Madre Tierra IMAAN! Jai Rhadastami!   Om Tat Sat - EL Señor Narasimha!

 tapta-kanchana-gaurangi radhe vrndavanesvari 
vrsabhanu-sute devi pranamami hari-priye

tapta-kanchana-gaurangi radhe vrndavanesvari 
vrsabhanu-sute devi pranamami hari-priye

tapta-kanchana-gaurangi radhe vrndavanesvari 
vrsabhanu-sute devi pranamami hari-priye

tapta-kanchana-gaurangi radhe vrndavanesvari 
vrsabhanu-sute devi pranamami hari-priye

tapta-kanchana-gaurangi radhe vrndavanesvari 
vrsabhanu-sute devi pranamami hari-priye

tapta-kanchana-gaurangi radhe vrndavanesvari 
vrsabhanu-sute devi pranamami hari-priye

tapta-kanchana-gaurangi radhe vrndavanesvari 
vrsabhanu-sute devi pranamami hari-priye

tapta-kanchana-gaurangi radhe vrndavanesvari 
vrsabhanu-sute devi pranamami hari-priye




















Tuesday, September 10, 2024















Every woman and every child is a part and parcel of god almighty Srimati Rhadarani Krsna Mother Earth IMAAN. Our mother earth is a living entity, and she has an immortal soul, and she is also a person with a transcendental body! God Almighty can take any form she wants to take, she can take the form of an entire universe, and she can also take the form of all the water, all the air, all the fire, space, time, sound, she can take the form of everything, she can speak as clearly as you and I speak,  she can speak any language, She is godal Mighty, Srimati Rhadaranin Krsna Mother Earth IMAAN adores all her children, she is pure divine love, she is not contaminated by sexual deviation or any form of lust,  she is the purest love that creates and sustains All That Is! doubting this fact of life leads to spiritual suicide, hurting her daughters leads to more painful futures and complete failure, absolute ruin to any nation that continues to program men to bully women, to slander women, to rape women, to exploit women, to force women to become pregnant, to steal from women, and to leave women completely unprotected at the mercy of mentally ill men armed with deadly that have been trained to slander women, to beat up women,  rape women, and gang rape women, with their male friends in order to destabilize women and to subdue women , and to force women  and children to continue to serve men sexually  instead of serving god almighty  ! OM TAT SAT